音で楽しむ日本の自然美―。第五の季節が聴ける「十和田湖 梅雨」リリース

音楽制作会社「Syn(シン)」が北日本にある十和田湖の閑静な湖畔に見られる季節の変化を記録した長編サウンドスケープシリーズの最新作「十和田湖 梅雨」をリリースしました。


日本に36年以上住んでいる本シリーズの作曲家兼プロデューサーのニック・ウッドは、日本の梅雨を第五の季節であり、日本の精神の美しさと自然の豊かさの象徴であると話します。雨音の周波数は人の心を落ち着かせ、集中力を高めたい時に適したサウンドです。「十和田湖 梅雨」は雨をポジティブに表現し、植物の生命の源であり豊かな緑のために欠かせないものとして捉え、リラックスできる心地よい音楽で聴く人に雨音の魅力を気づかせてくれます。


さらに、クリエイティブなアーティストたちが自然の音を表情豊かな作品に仕上げます。雨音と共にハーモニーを奏でるボーカリスト・鈴木彩文の歌声は、都内のトンネルでレコーディング。ショーン・ハリーによるギターの音色はメロディーに深みと感情を加え、自然が生みだす音に心地よく調和します。Synのニック・ウッドとアラン・モーツリーによる音楽プロデュースのもと、ジョーダン・ティールがフレットレスベースを担当。ミックスはデビッド・レヴィンによりDolby Atmosで行われ、立体的なサウンドに仕上がりました。

日本の自然美と最新技術のコラボレーションにより生まれた「十和田湖 梅雨」。


雨音を録音するニック・ウッド (Photo: Norico Wood)
PlantWaveを用いたレコーディング (Photo: Norico Wood)

十和田湖 梅雨 (Towadako Rain)

十和田湖 春 (Towadako Spring)



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X: @synmusicworld

Experience the natural beauty of Japan through sound.

Introducing “Towadako Rain” – Japan’s fifth season, interpreted through music and sound.

“Towadako Rain” is the latest instalment in Syn’s series of long form ambient soundscapes, which lovingly document the seasonal changes found along the tranquil shoreline of Lake Towada, in Honshu Japan.

Series composer and producer Nick Wood, who has spent over 36 years living in Japan, recognizes the rainy season as a symbolic fifth season, reflecting a calming beauty and natural richness that is inherently connected to the spirit of Japan. The sound of rain has a unique frequency which is known to have a soothing effect, helping to clear the mind and enhance focus.

“Towadako Rain” is a sonic distillation of the essential role rain plays as a source of creation and renewal for the lush flora and fauna of Lake Towada. The theme of rain is interpreted with positivity in an uplifting manner, offering listeners an opportunity to rediscover the charm of rain-sounds and enjoy a relaxing, calming musical experience.

Nick and his team spent two years conducting field recordings to capture the natural beauty of Lake Towada throughout the seasons. The team used cutting-edge technology to create a truly immersive and meditative experience. Working with a pocket-sized device called Plantwave, which can recognise electrical signals emitted from organic matter and convert it into MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), the team could convert the energy from plants during the seasons into music. The final track was mixed into Dolby Atmos, creating a multi-dimensional auditory experience.

Creative collaborators helped fused the natural sounds into an emotive final work. The song features contributions from Japanese vocalist Ayami Suzuki, recorded in an urban tunnel, adding a stunning harmony to the sounds of rain. Guitarist Sean Halley brings an emotional melody that blends seamlessly with the natural sounds. The track was then mixed in Dolby Atmos by David Levin. Syn’s Nick Wood and Alan Mawdsley produced the music, with Jordan Teal playing fretless bass.

“Towadako Rain” is a celebration of the fusion between Japan’s natural beauty and modern technology. It offers listeners an opportunity to rediscover the charm of rain sounds and enjoy a relaxing, calming musical experience. Through this song, immerse yourself in the soothing and captivating world of rain around Lake Towada.


Syn was founded in 1991 as a global collaboration by Simon Le Bon, Yasmin Le Bon and Nick Wood. Nick has spent the last 34 years living in Tokyo and exploring “what the world sounds like”. In that time, Syn has been building incredible relationships with some of our world’s most talented and unique artists, musicians, engineers, sound designers and producers. Creatives who share a passion for storytelling through music and sound. Syn studios in Tokyo, Los Angeles, Beijing, Shanghai, London, and Manila have been lending this collective talent to some of the most powerful brands in the world, led by innovative creatives and demanding brand stewards who continue to ask for unique and innovative solutions that only Syn can provide. Gathering awards along the way, including Emmy, Clio, Promax and Cannes Lions, Syn’s projects cross borders and span time-zones, harnessing both global and local music culture.

This is what the world sounds like.
